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How to start several clients
You can start as many clients as your hardware allows. First check if you have the graphics card with enough video-RAM size and PC has enough RAM. Set swap (virtual memory) size to 2GB minimum. |
Why you need multiclient
- To open stall and hunting simultaneously.
- To powerlevel other yours characters in the Academy.
- To pass gold or goods between your characters.
How to start several clients with AgBot
You don't need to copy Silkroad folder. Don't use mediapatcher!. And all will be OK.
- Create the shortcut for Loader.exe as shown on the image (with /cfg parameter).
- Start the shortcut (Loader). There will be the Configuration window.
- switch off Bot Compatible. You don't need it.
- switch off Redirect.
- Press Launch button. The game will start.
- Enter ID and password. Log in to game.
- Minimize game window after you don't need it by the command /min or /mini. This will significally reduce memory and CPU usage.
- If you need more clients without the bot again start the shortcut (Loader) with disabled Redirect. You can repeat this while you wish and your hardware allow this.
- Start nuConnecor and AgBot.
- Start the shortcut (Loader) and switch on Redirect.
- This client will work with the bot.
Can you got ban fot this?
Yes, if they can detect. |
Can JM detect the Multiclient using?
No, it's impossible to disallow playing from same IP-address because it make impossible playing for thouse who use firewall or NAT.
Silkroad client use multiclient protection in two ways:
- Set mutex (special system object)
- Transfer to server MAC-address of the LAN adapter.
Loader removes both things. From Server side it looks as connection from another PC behind the firewall.
- Loader don't modify EXE files and can't be detected during the client update.
- All changes performed in the memory (hope all know the Game Guard is fiction).
- All additional functions performed by the client, i.e. Loader calls usual client functions. Nothing illegal.
Yes, it makes servers crowdy, but if you have two PC you can start two clients. So why you can't do this on one PC if your hardware allows this?
Related reconnect instead Traffic error: it's standard ability too. I consider, that from all applications created for this game, the multiclient the most favourable to JM. It is equivalent to that users vote by two hands, instead of one. |
The client have noticed a problem and have to close .. you want send or not. How do i fix this?
Exception caught and the client tried to send report to JM. To prevent sending a report please rename SilkErrSender.exe file. But that not help to avoid it. |
How do i start Testosterone with softmod?
Softmod is not supported. Don't try to use Testosterone with it. |
How do i start Testosterone with tbot?
Tbot is not supported. Sorry. |
How to on Sound? I hear no alarm
Type /status to show current settings. If you type /sound on private you will see message:
Alarm on private message : On.
Is C:WINDOWSMediaringin.wav installed on your system? |
How to enable Testosterone UI window?
Turn off Bot compatibility flag.
Bot compatibility flag is necessary only for iSrobot. |
Why is there this "Win32.Malware.gen!80 (suspicious)" and this "Sus/ComPack-C" in virus scan?
I use simple VM protection in my programs. Some anti-virus detect it. |
Why I get C9 error?
There is 3 reasons which can be cause of this error.
- You have poor network connection.
- You have patched media.pk2. Don't use mediapatcher at all. Use the redirect feature to redirect the client to nuConnector & AgBot or turn it off if you are not using it.
- The main gateway is turned off. Use alternative gateway. To change gateway number please add next line to C19H28O2.ini:
When I hit Launch I get this ERROR: CreateProcess faild (2). WHY?
You may not have copied the Loader into Silkroad folder. Please check that Loader.exe located in the same folder as sro_client.exe and working directory is Silkroad. |
How can I open a second client? I copied my silkroad-folder and runned the launcher in this folder again, but nothing happens...
Don't need copy silkroad folder. Just run Loader.exe again and click Launch button. Don't use mediapatcher! |
I'm constantly getting a Malicious modification of code!! execution aborted error. How to fix that?
That means MD5 sum for Loader.exe or C19H28O2.dll is not correct. It can happens if you use one file from version 7.3 and second file from version 7.4 or one of them was modified by virus. |
Last version 7.6
Support ONLY original sro_client.exe v1.158
We are glad to introduce
Recyfer site
where you can download the last
Testosterone version 7.6
Mirror on Rapidshare
Mirror on FileFront
720fbd95e42bd908bbc48d779c09b953 *C19H28O2.dll
b87e12a747fb28cc433aa1f4b486bde7 *Loader.exe
- Muliclient.
- Auto relogin (please wait about 12 seconds after message "Failed to connect to server").
- Nude patch.
- Infinity zoom.
- Disable swear filter.
- Minimize in taskbar (low memory mode)
- Mini-mode (1/6 screen size)
- Windowed mode.
- Toggles hiding players and monsters. (Holding 'v' key).
- Toggles showing loot on ground. (Holding 'z' key).
- Weather control.
- Auto-rise mastery.
- Auto-accept resurrection.
- Auto-accept invite to party
- Auto-distribution of status points.
- Alarm on private message.
- Alarm on unique monster.
- Alarm on a bargain start.
- Unique monster log.
- Block messages (All, Whisper, Party, Guild, Union, Global)
- Character info window.
- Loader configuration dialog.
- Redirection the client to local port (substitute for mediapatcher)
- Auto-demurder.
- Auto-heals pets
- Auto-fuse alchemy materials
- Block list (block messages)
- Team list (allowed to join party)
Sample unique-Hercules.log:
01/16/08 05:13:35 appears Cerberus
01/16/08 05:19:31 appears Lord Yarkan
01/16/08 05:24:52 __KARTAL_1_ killed Cerberus
01/16/08 05:25:37 killed Isyutaru
01/16/08 05:29:44 G0d killed Lord Yarkan
Now you can change options in the configuration dialog.
To open configuration dialog, please, run loader with parameters
Click Start->Run (or press Win + R) and type
"C:Program FilesSilkroadLoader.exe" /cfg
Added startup commands option in C19H28O2.ini:
Commands=/ap on;/arc on
Section's name consist of "server name" and "-" and "character name".
Commands are separated with ";".
Change log (v6.3):
- Fixed /arc & /ap
- Added new command: /none - get weather from the server
- Renaming sro_client window title
Change log (v6.4):
- Added bot compatibility option (default)
The next functions is not compatible with iSroBot:
- Character info window (/ui command).
- Renaming sro_client window title
Now it is turned off by default.