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This is my first AutoIt tool, LogSro.
It's used to Login into any Sro server when it have free slots.

Thread Contents :
- Private Servers Compatibly > How to make LogSro work on private servers (like ecsro)
- LogSro > a full detailed guide for using the program
- Bugs > Bugs found in the current verions of LogSro
- Links > Three mirrors for Downloading
- Change Log > recent versions with their new features/updates
- F.A.Q. > Most repeated questions in my thread answered, mostly, by me

Originally Posted by hussert View Post

I found this Server list (v1.0.0.5) file from another source which is not blocked by my anti-virus
Private Servers Compatibly
(Thanx to Rumata for showing the method)

Just Copy the Server list to directory of the pSro Server.
Adjust the name of the server in logSro to as it shown in the serverlist.

Example with ecSro :
- Copy the Serverlist.exe file to C:Program FilesMHTC folder (Where the media.pk2 is located)
- Launch the serverlist While it's there. (the image below is what you should get)

- Last thing, adjust the value of server name manually in LogSro to "ECSRO"
( LogSro shall remember it for the next times ^^ )
- Enjoy!!

FIRST , MAKE SURE THAT YOUR SILKROAD WINDOW NAME IS " SRO_Client " WHEN USING SroLog. THE NAME COULD BE CHANGED IF YOU WERE A No-Dc Client or whatever programs you have there that might change the name of the Client
Here we Go : 1- Obviously ,Download the tool ( see Links Below ) and Extract them anywhere you
2- Launch The Tool and fill in your Details. ( Server Name, Free Slot No. & refresh Rate ) * LogSro will remember those Values if you either pressing the Save Settings Button Which will show you what was Saved Exactly or Closing the window manually. * IMPORTANT : If the Value of the refresh rate was set to 0 the Script will Swift to the Option " Fastest !! ". You may not know this, The Sro Server List is Capable of refreshing VERY FAST even faster than my Script When set to 0.0000001 . This can activated by pressing Alt+r While The List on Sight. Basically what this Hot Key do is Pressing the refresh Button So many times that your pc starts to sound the usual annoying sound of holding uninvalid/unusable key. Simply my "Fastest !!" Option is using that hot key and also wait for the moment to Login. ( Tip : to mute that annoying sound of that Alt+r , try hitting on the window of the serverlist. Especially on the Scroll ) Iam not sure if my Script can deal fine with that Alt+r.In fact , I didnt give that version a lot of test checks. Hopefully , I wont have to release a newer version because of a small bug/mistake. 3- Launch The Sro Server List by Rumata. ( if you dont have it already, then you can
find an OFFICIAL link to it in LogSro itself in Downloads )
4- launch Sro ( I recommend you use either Testosterone or the No-Dc Client to avoid
Disconection. You can find in Downloads as well if you dont have them already )
5- Type in your Account ID, Password & Image Code Normally as the game starts. * I could have made my Script do the typing ID and PSS , However , I think most users wont be comfortable with it thinking that it might steal it or something like that. 6- I recommend you "Save Settings" of LogSro before hitting Start Script as it makes
sure that the Variables are correct and in place.
7- Alt+Tab until you make LogSro and the Server list both visible. * Dont worry about covering the Confirm button in this Release. LogSro now switch to the window of the Game and send "Enter" immediately instead of mouse clicking. Just make sure you have typed the image code correctly. 8- Finally , "Start Script" * The moment you press that a timer will start to count in LogSro.( Dont worry , it wont affect the process of the tool ). Not only that you wont see it as it counts up , but also that it wont record the estimated time in the record board until an "Enter" is sent i.e. an actual try to Login is preformed. Also a basic Counter of the No. of Tries is increasing by 1 each time you try to Login. This Record Board is very important. Its just tell you how long it did took you Login. Keep in mind that the interrupted Attempts to Login are not counted ( i.e. if you stopped the Script of anything similier to that ). Also that time counter is showing you theTotal time for all tries preformed.The Record Board is reset everytime you Launch LogSro. Thats why its Outsides the Settings Range. 9- I didnt have the chance to try the tool enough times it took me great time to Script
and design it all over again. I hope there will be no Bugs/mistakes as it being used by various users. And if there was , I will wait for reasonable amount of replies in order to recover all Bugs in the next release.

Thanks For Reading And Using LogSro


NO SMART REPLIES about that I didnt do anything big or special with that new tool as it mainly depends on Rumata's Sro Server List. You can count it as a plugin/extension to Sro Server List. STILL , BIG THANKS TO RUMATA FOR HIS HARD WORKS !!

NO ASKING FOR NEW LINKS REPLIES. Iam already providing you with two free to download mirrors.

NO REPLIES ABOUT RISKY VIRUSES. Everyone is familiar with the fact that some botting/hack files used for silkroad is containing some viruses. I KNOW THAT THERE IS A TROJAN EVEN!!. However they wont damage your pc as far as everyone using them says.

NO OFF-TOPIC QUESTION. Sorry but I cant afford to Discuss every single problem about every single program used with LogSro like Silkroad and Sro Server List. Unless you can find the Solution to your problem in the FAQs here, Please Search for the best place/thread to ask in. Thanx

* FileFront * -----> Download v1.2

* MediaFire * -----> Download v1.2

* RapidShare * -----> Download v1.2

** VirusTotal Scan Report ** -----> LogSro v1.2 Scan Report


In this section I will show you the Bugs of the Current version of LogSro. In the same time, I will try my best to remove as many of them as I can within a week. AutoIt is full of things to figure out. Please feel free to reply about any bug or mistake you find in LogSro After you read the presented Errors first. This is very inportant as it will help me develop a better Version for you, guys.


Server " Venince " ?!?!?

Server "Venice" is written mistakenly " Venince " in LogSro ... Just change it Manually to " Venice" and then LogSro will remember it for the next times ... I will fix that permenantly with the next release ...
Change Log

In This Section I will List out the Log of the Version of LogSro. You can Check here the moment
you enter this Thread for further Versions releases and Info.

* v1.2 : 18-May-2008 - Fixed "Fastest !!" Mode ( When Refresh Rate = 0 ) - Fixed Problem : hits Confirm immediately when try a second time - HotKeys Changed to Alt instead of Shift - Removed Hot Key for "Stop Script" Due to Problems * v1.1 : 17-May-2008 - ALL LIMITS/BUGS FROM LAST VERSION WERE FIXED - Option , Server Name. Helped with by nedtheone - Option ,Free Slot No. Helped with by nedtheone - Opition ,Save Settings - Records Board - New Refresh Rate Option , " Fastest !! " - New Look. Helped with by FrankkkoJ. - Hot Keys * v1.0.1 : 11-May-2008 - 1st Loop Function Completed - 5 Limits Presented - 1st Time LogSro is Posted in a Thread

See "Deutsch" Translation by John_Dread >>F.A.Q. [Deutsch]

The Questions & the Answer to them are actually taken from same Thread . Those and some from other related threads. I think they are the most asked Questions by the reader about The Current version of LogSro.

This Section is Always under frequently Updates as I will add any Useful Question Asked as a normal reply in this thread. The Question will be first answered as a normal reply .

I wil put a note in the end of that reply after the answer to it , if it will be added here in this Section.
Then, After few minutes, you will see it here , in this FAQs Section.



[1] I found a Trojan/viruse in the Sro Server list!! How am gonna use your tool now? Rumata, the auther of the server list, uses VM Protection in his programs. Some anti-viruses detect it as a trojan/viruse. Most replies here is about this issue. Thats why I'm working on making my own serverlist. Unless you can turn off your anti-virus, you got to wait for the next updates. ^^ [2] "I dont have permission to access this file". I always have that error message when
I try to open the Serverlist.
Right click on the Serverlist file > Run as > Admin . [3] Does it work with Softmod ? Yes, It does. Thanx to SpriGgy . [4] Where i can download Sro Server List ? You can find it in the "Downloads" Button in my tool itself. . [5] " Dissconnected from Server". Its with with Sro Serverlsit. Why ? Try and use v1.0.0.4 instead of v1.0.0.5 that you are currently using ( the version
Number is written in properties of the Server list itself ... File Version ... )
Password of the v1.0.0.4 File : Rumata's FileFront Link to Server List v1.0.0.4 :;9091666;/fileinfo.html . [6] When I open server list I get an error "k2:Reader: Cant open file C;Program
FilesSilkroadmedia.pk2, error = 3" and when I press ok it enters me in the list.Why?
I had that Error before... I dont know why its an error even because it get you back to
the list normally .. to get rid of that error , put the server list Files ( I think there only two ) in the same folder of Silkroad.
. [7] What resolution are compatible with this script? Supports all resolution. . [8] The silkroad window must be full screen or window ? Doesn't matter. . [9] when I start the script, the server list and the autologin program must pe in front of
the silkroad?
Yes , Exactly. . [10] Everything is working fine execpt for that when there is a free slot, LogSro wont
press Confirm in Sro. Why is that happening ?
I checked if that was true or not ... nope , the Script is fine .. Try and slow down your refreshing rate ... Make sure that your Sro window name is "Sro_Client" as long as logSro is refreshing the Serverlist. . [11] I cant open server list because of virus and i ran it as admin for vista but still not
working. Help ?
Rumata, the Creator of the ServerList uses VM protection in his programs. Some Anti-Viruses detect it. I KNOW THAT YOU SAW A TROJAN WARNING !!. Its just an unidentified kind of files. Such files are defined as Viruses to some Anti-Viruses. You can find More Details about this in rumata's Serverlist thread. . [12] Is there any possibility of get banned? Nope. Thats only a Macro That presses the Confirm Button , using the Sro server list , at the right time. LogSro doesn't even want to or know your ID & Pass. . [13] It would be better if you make the program to press faster on Confirm because
every time there is free slots it delays about 1/2 seconds!
I'm thinking of making it even faster in the next release ... though it wont be easy ... Until then, try the 0 refresh rate value ... thats the Fastest that it could get for now ... . [14] It needs , if possible , an image verification writer , so if it didn't login , it'll retry
again Automatically.
I'm trying to figure it out. . [15] If theres a way to make the server list built into the program? if so i think it would
solve that d/c problem and the thing that happens when it wont start.
I'm working on that. . [16] I dont understand... why I cannot login when there is 3 free slots available ? Its just because of traffic. In other words, 3 Persons pressed Confirm at that time before you. . [17] I'm using McAfee and it refuses to let me open server list. Right click on the Mcafee icon (right under of youre screen) Click on Virusscan-console the first and the second thing must be off in Dutch (toegangsbeveiliging en bufferoverloop beveiliging) Normaly then it must work ^^ Thanx to tommekke227 . [18] When I use agbot and With the media patcher LogSro wouldnt work right. However,
If I unpatch it then it works perfectly. How Can I overcome that
I think you mean the server list. It's true that if you patched the media patcher thing you cannot connect to the server list, you need to unpatch it first, then open the serverlist. Note, use Testosterone instead of Media patcher in that case. Thanx to xMedeia .
in order to download the newest version of sro client go to sro offcial site: or press here
go in hacks bot modes to see our cheat and hacks option all credits to elitepvpers forum press here to go the hack section
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